改变医学伦理教育的渠道:医学伦理与专业化教学中的 教学“破冰船”的系统回顾与定性分析
开始到 2019年 8月 1日,对医学和人文文献(即 PubMed/MEDLINE、Cochrane图书馆和 JSTOR)进行了系统评价。
最终文章进行了定性评估和主题分析,而最终分析纳入了 13篇文章。69%(n=9)的研究发表于 2000年之后。两项
的文章提倡使用电影或短片 /视频的形式,而其余文章(n=4)则讨论了电视 /电影剪辑的使用。在内容分析中确定
[1]Dunn, V., S. O’Keefe, E. Stapley, and N. Midgley.
2018. Facing shadows: Working with young people to
coproduce a short flm about depression. Research Involvement
and Engagement 4: 46.
[2]Fiester, A. 2007. Viewpoint: Why the clinical ethics
we teach fails patients. Academic Medicine 82 (7): 684–689.
[3]Green, M.J. 2013. Teaching with comics: A course for
fourth-year medical students. Journal of Medical Humanities
34 (4): 471–476.
[4]Hirt, C., K. Wong, S. Erichsen, and J.S. White. 2013.
Medical dramas on television: A brief guide for educators.
Medical Teacher 35 (3): 237–242.
[5]Hofman, B.L., R. Hofman, C.B. Wessel, A. Shensa, M.S.
Woods, and B.A. Primack. 2018. Use of functional medical
television in health sciences education: A systematic review.
Advances in Health Sciences Education Theory Practices 23
(1): 201–216.
[6]Lindsey, C. 2005. The experiences and perceptions
of students exposed to popular film as a pedagogic tool in
counselor education: An exploratory study. Electronic Thesis/
Dissertation. Ohio University.
[7]Lumlertgul, N., N. Kijpaisalratana, N. Pityaratstian,
and D. Wangsaturaka. 2009. Cinemeducation: A pilot
student project using movies to help students learn medical
professionalism. Medical Teacher 31 (7): e327-332.
[8]McCurrie, C.H., D.L. Crone, F. Bigelow, and S.M.
Laham. 2018. Moral and affective film set (MAAFS): A normed
moral video database. PLoS ONE 13 (11): e0206604.
[9]Shapiro, J., and L. Hunt. 2003. All the world’s a
stage: The use of theatrical performance in medical education. Medical Education 37 (10): 922–927.
[10]Thomas, S.J. 2006. Research on the defining issues
test. In Handbook of moral development, ed. M. Kil- len
and J.G. Smetana, 67–91. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates Publishers.
[11]Trachtman, H. 2008. The medium is not the message.
American Journal of Bioethics 8: 9–11.
[12]Volandes, A. 2007. Medical ethics on film: Towards
a reconstruction of the teaching of healthcare profes- sionals.
Journal of Medical Ethics 33: 678–680.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12361/2661-3700-04-01-70
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