
Review Version

The first task for the Section Editor with each submission is to check the text to ascertain whether the Original Version can serve as the Review Version or if a revised copy needs to be uploaded. To view the original file, the Section Editor clicks on the file name next to Review Version.

Ensuring a blind Peer Review. See instructions for Ensuring a Blind Peer Review. The Section Editor should also consult the Submission page to check whether Supplementary Files can be shared with Reviewers. If the author wishes to present files to Reviewers, they will be checked; the Section Editor can uncheck them if they are not suitable for sharing with Reviewers.

Establishing the submission's Review Version. The Section Editor sets the Review Version which Reviewers will see, by (a) selecting the Original Version, if it is suitable, or (b) by uploading a more suitable version. The Section Editor can choose to fix minor problems with the original file using a word processor to make the changes, saving the file to the desktop and then uploading the file, using the Browse/Upload buttons in Review Version.

Inadequately prepared submissions. If the Author has clearly failed to ensure that the submission adheres to the journal's Author Guidelines, including the need to ensure that the submission supports a blind review, the Section Editor can elect to notify the Author that the work needs to be resubmitted. The author can then resubmit the improved version by email directly to the editor, who can then upload it as the Review Version. The Section Editor can also decide that the submission is simply not suited for the journal and notify the author to that effect. Going to the Submission page and clicking "##editor.article.archiveSubmission##" sends the submission to the Archives.