
Reading Tools

The Journal Manager is able to select a set of Reading Tools that will appear in a frame to the right of all items in sections of the journal that are indexed (e.g., Articles and not Conference Announcements). The Reading Tools are designed to assist experienced and novice readers by providing a rich context of related materials from a wide variety of largely open access sources. The tools use an author's keywords to automatically search a relevant open access database for related materials which are presented to the reader in another window. Readers have a choice of tools, and within each tool a choice of databases, along with access to information about the database.

In Reading Tool Options, the Journal Manager can select general Journal Item Tools, such as "About the Author", "How to Cite Item" and "Print Item", and can also select between a number of Related Item Tools (e.g., Humanities, Education, Physics, etc.), which will provide discipline- or area-specific resources. The Journal Manager is able to edit or delete existing Related Item Tools and add new ones as well. Also see Reading Tools under Journal Web Site.