
Ideological and political education in the new era should focus on the cultivation of young people’s ideals and beliefs



As successors to the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the young people in the new era undertake the important historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is especially important to strengthen the ideals and beliefs of the youth in the new era. At present, the ideological and political education should take the initiative to undertake the obligation of youth’s ideals and beliefs education, recognize the specific dimensions of ideals and beliefs in the new era, strengthen youth Marxist theory and moral education, strengthen the youth’s cultural self-confidence, cultivate the youth’s sense of responsibility, and lead the development of the youth’s youth ideals and beliefs.


New Era , Ideological and political education ,Youth, Ideal ,Belief


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[1]Qinguo zou,《 The cultural logic and progression choice of firm ideal beliefs》《 Theory Exploration》,No. 5, 2018. [2]《Xi Jinping on education and guidance for students: lighting the ideal lamp and illuminating the way forward for students》,People’s Daily Online, April 2019.


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