
Social cognition of intangible cultural heritage and the construction of cultural identity

Zhao Jingyi
Inner Mongolia University of Technology, 257091


As an important part of human culture, intangible cultural heritage has a profound impact on the construction of social cognition and cultural identity. This paper deeply explores the role of intangible cultural heritage in social cognition and cultural identity construction through literature review and field investigation. The study found that intangible cultural heritage is not only an important carrier of cultural inheritance, but also an important source of social identity and individual identity. However, with the acceleration of the modernization process and the lack of intangible cultural heritage protection, many traditional skills and folk cultures face the risk of disappearing. In order to protect and inherit the intangible cultural heritage, it is necessary to strengthen publicity and education, improve public awareness, and take effective protection measures to promote the integrated development of the intangible cultural heritage and modern society.


intangible cultural heritage, social cognition, cultural identity, construction


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