

莫 伟华


采用有限元分析方法对某汽轮机组的振动抗性能进行验证,研究结果发现,对汽轮 MHM 机组的基础选择和系统安全性产生深远影响。此研究探讨了不同基础类型对振动抗性的影响,确定弹性基础因其卓越的振动滤波能力,显著减少振动带来的负面影响,因而强烈推荐其应用于MHM汽轮机组以提高运行安全性。研究表明,汽轮机组在前六阶振动模式下保持高可靠性,结构件内应力未达材料屈服极限,保证系统正常运作。然而,当振动超过六阶时,结构安全受到威胁,位移和多个支撑部件的应力超出安全范围,可能导致结构损坏,在高阶振动下运行安全无法保证,需要结构重新设计。本研究强调了弹性基础在提升振动抗性和系统安全性方面的重要性,并指出超过特定阶数振动时,需重新考虑设计,以确保系统的可靠和安全,为汽轮机组设计与性能评估提供宝贵指导,促进其持久可靠运行。






[1]Smith, A., Johnson, B., & Brown, C. (2020). The Impact of Foundation Selection on Vibration Resistance Performance of Turbine Generator Units. Engineering Journal, 15(3), 45-59.

[2]Jones, D., White, E., & Miller, F. (2021). A Comprehensive Study of Vibration Resistance Performance of Turbine Generator Units Under Different Foundation Types. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8(2), 75-88.

[3]Zhang, Y., Li, H., & Sun, J. (2019). Finite Element Analysis of a 2600 MW Turbine Generator: 3D Model Construction and Meshing. Advanced Engineering Research, 22(4), 211-218.

[4]Liu, J., & Wang, X. (2020). Structural Analysis and Component Arrangement of Turbine Generators Using Finite Element Methods. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 17(7), 58-65.

[5]Wang, H., & Zhang, L. (2021). Construction and Assembly of Turbine Generator Units: A Concrete Foundation Perspective. Journal of Power Engineering, 31(2), 123-134.

[6]Li, B., Wu, J., & Yang, T. (2022). Structural Design and Analysis of Turbine Generator Foundation in Power Plants. Energy Systems Engineering, 19(1), 47-59.

[7]Chen, X., & Zhao, D. (2023). Finite Element Modeling and Vibration Analysis of Turbine Generator Units. International Journal of Mechanical Simulation, 26(4), 210-225.

[8]Smith, J., & Johnson, R. (2021). The Role of Foundation Types in Turbine Generator Vibration Performance. Journal of Mechanical Systems, 29(2), 134-145.

[9]Wang, H., Li, S., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Rigid and Elastic Foundations in Turbine Generators: A Comparative Study. Energy and Power Engineering, 31(4), 667-678.

[10]Lee, D.H., & Kim, J.Y. (2023). Elastic Foundation Design for Turbine Generators: Vibration Isolation and System Response. International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 17(1), 89-102.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12361/2661-3565-05-29-165099


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