

是否已经在农业科技管理 里有了一个帐户?







1. 来稿应包括封面页和正文





2. 题目、摘要和关键词



关键词: 2至5个(中英文)。


3. 正文














4. 参考文献

  • 文献列表中出现的每条文献在正文中均需引用,并标注参考文献序号。正文中参考文献序号在引用内容结束后平行标记。
  • 参考文献必须是作者阅读过并对文章有参考作用的主要文献,由著者对照原文核定。未正式出版资料不能作文献引用。
  • 参考文献表列于正文之后,文献列表按文中出现的顺序从小到大依次排列。
  • 参考文献的序号左顶格,并用数字加方括号表示,与正文中的引文标示一致,如[1],[2]……。每一条参考文献著录均以“.”结束。
  • 参考文献中的标点符号以英文半角符号书写,字体请用Times New Roman。
  • 参考文献中的每条项目应齐全。
  • 英文期刊名称、会议论文集名请写全称。
  • 具体各类参考文献的编排格式如下:



[序号] 作者, 等. 文章名[J]. 期刊名, 年, 卷(期): 页码.

[1] 高景德, 王祥珩. 交流电机的多回路理论[J]. 清华大学学报, 1987, 27(1): 1-8. 


[序号] 作者. (年份) 文章名. 期刊名, 卷, 页码.

[1] Malik, A.S., Boyko, O., Atkar, N. and Young, W.F. (2001) A Comparative Study of MR Imaging Profile of Titanium Pedicle Screws. Acta Radiologica, 42, 291-293.



[序号] 作者. 书名[M]. 版本(第1版不注). 翻译者. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年: 页码.

[1] 竺可桢. 物理学[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 1973: 1-3.

[2] 霍夫斯基, 主编. 禽病学: 下册[M]. 第7版. 胡祥壁, 等, 译. 北京: 农业出版社, 1981: 7-9.

[3] 程根伟. 1998年长江洪水的成因与减灾对策[M]//许厚泽, 赵其国. 长江流域洪涝灾害与科技对策. 北京: 科学出版社, 1999: 32-36.


作者. (出版年) 书名. 版本(第1版不注), 出版者, 出版地.

[1] Wit, E. and McClure, J. (2004) Statistics for Microarrays: Design, Analysis, and Inference. 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 5-18.


贾冬琴, 柯平. 面向数学素养的高校图书馆数字服务系统研究[C]//中国图书馆学会. 中国图书馆学会年会论文集: 2011年卷. 北京: 国家图书馆出版社, 2011: 45-52.


[序号] 文献作者. (出版年)文献名. 编者, 专著名, 版本. 出版者, 出版地, 页码. (一位编者后面用Ed.;编者两位以上,Ed.加s, 写成Eds.)

[1] Prasad, A.S. (1982) Clinical and Biochemical Spectrum of Zinc Deficiency in Human Subjects. In: Prasad, A.S., Ed., Clinical, Biochemical and Nutritional Aspects of Trace Elements, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 5-15.



[序号] 作者. 题名[D]: [硕士或博士学位论文]. 保存地: 保存单位, 年份.

[1] 张竹生. 微分半动力系统的不变集[D]: [博士学位论文]. 北京: 北京大学数学系, 1983. 


[1] Giambastiani, B.M.S. (2007) Evoluzione Idrologica ed Idrogeologica della Pineta di San Vitale (Ravenna). Ph.D. Thesis, Bologna University, Bologna.



[序号] 专利申请者. 专利名称[P]. 国别, 专利文献种类, 专利号. 出版日期.

[1] 姜锡洲. 一种温热外敷药制备方法[P]. 中国专利, 881056073. 1989-07-26.


[序号] 发明者 (年份) 专利名. 专利号.

[1] Wright, O. and Wright, W. (1906) Flying-Machine. US Patent No. 821393.



[序号] 起草责任者. 标准代号. 标准顺序号-发布年. 标准名称[S]. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.

[1] 全国文献工作标准化技术委员会第六分委员会. CB6447-S6文摘编写规则[S]. 北京: 标准出版社, 1986.



[序号] 作者. 文献题名. 电子文献类型标示[EB/OL]. 载体类型标示文献网址或出处, 更新/引用日期.

[1] 中华人民共和国国土资源部. 页岩气: 打开中国能源勘探开发新局面[EB/OL]. 
http://www.mlr.gov.cn/xwdt/jrxw/201201/t20120109_1056142.htm, 2012-01-09.


[序号] 作者 (登陆年份) 文章名. 网址【保持超链接。如果此行放不下,采取强制断行放到下一行】

[1] Wikipedia (2013) Quantum Entanglement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_entanglement


5. 致谢



6. 附录

文章中如出现附录(Appendix)或附件等形式的内容,统一放在参考文献之后,它们之间保持适当的间距。附录内容较少,与参考文献排在同一页;如出现内容较多,则另起一页。附录的字体为12磅,Times New Roman字体,加粗。附录内容格式要求与正文一致。










1. 表述问题

2. 修正(排版中的错误或内容的错误)

3. 撤销

4. 移除



Notes for author submission:

Only Chinese articles are accepted, but titles, abstracts and keywords in both English and Chinese are required. The topic is consistent, the argument is clear and reliable, the data is accurate, the text is concise and standardized. Specific requirements are as follows:

1. Submission should include cover page and body

The cover page includes title (in both Chinese and English), author (in both Chinese and English), organization (in both Chinese and English), Email address, etc.

The text includes title, abstract, key words, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion and references. (Do not include author information such as name and organization)

Submissions (including charts and references), 5000-8000 words is appropriate.


2. Title, abstract and keywords

The topic is concise and clear, usually no more than 20 words.

The abstract should consist of four parts: objective, method, results and conclusion, of which the Chinese abstract is about 300 words, and the English abstract is about 600-800 words.

Keywords: 2 to 5 (Chinese and English).


3. Text

The text is the main part of the article, which should be rich in content, clear in logic and standardized in expression.

Please use legal units of measurement, symbols, and standardized and standardized nouns and terms.

The title levels are all numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, and the numbers at different levels are separated by dots, and the last number is not punctuated, such as "1" for the first level title, "1.1" for the second level title, and "1.1.1" for the third level title.

The number should be written in front. When there is a title, write the title with a blank word after the number, and create another line to write the specific content. If there is no title, leave a word after the number to write the specific content.

The table is named as "Table 1......." , requires a scientific design, concise and clear, please try to use a three-line table, the table does not use vertical lines.

The illustrations should be named, such as "Figure 1....") The name of the picture is marked below the picture to form a unified whole with the illustration.

The chart numbers are all in Arabic numerals, and the chart labels are arranged in sequence, such as Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3.

Quotation marks should be uniform throughout the text, in the form of square brackets in the upper right corner of the last sentence of the quoted content, citation numbers in Arabic numerals placed in half corner square brackets, such as: "... Model[3]". Titles at all levels shall not be marked with quotations. If the citation needs to be elaborated in the text, the citation sequence number should be separated by commas and placed in square brackets, such as "Literature[1,2,6,9] describes from different perspectives..."

In the absence of a special agreement, Arabic numerals are generally used. The year is always represented by four digits. In general, if a number is less than 1, add 0 to the decimal point. However, when some special numbers cannot be greater than 1 (such as correlation coefficients, ratios, probability values), the 0 before the decimal is removed, such as r=.26, p<.05.

In general, except for μ, α, β, λ, ε and V symbols, the rest of the statistical symbols are presented in italics, such as ANCOVA, ANOVA, MANOVA, N, nl, M, SD, F, p, r, etc.

A comment is a comment on a particular noun or a new noun in a paper. Notes can be either end-of-page notes or end-of-article notes. Note at the end of the page should be separated by a thin line between the note and the text, and the length of the line should not exceed one third of the width of the paper. If multiple comments are listed in the same page class, the number should be arranged according to the order of comments. The annotation number is indicated in the upper right corner of the annotated entry in the form of "①, ②" and other numbers. The serial number of the annotated entry at the end of the page or the end of the article should be consistent with the annotated entry in the form of "①, ②" and other numbers.

The use of acronyms shall adopt the prescribed or conventional acronyms published by the authoritative bodies or academic groups of the discipline or profession, and shall not cite some acronyms that are not public knowledge, difficult to be understood by fellow readers, or the author's own acronyms. Acronyms should be stated when they first appear, giving a clear definition. Whether it is a Chinese acronym or a foreign acronym, the full text should be unified.


4. References

  • Each document appearing in the literature list should be cited in the text and marked with the reference serial number. The reference serial number in the text is marked parallel to the end of the reference content.
  • The reference must be the main literature that the author has read and has a reference role for the article, and the author checks and verifies the original text. Unpublished materials cannot be cited in literature.
  • The list of references is listed after the text, and the list of references is arranged in descending order according to the order in which the text appears.
  • The left top space of the serial number of the reference is represented by a number with square brackets, consistent with the citation marks in the text, such as [1], [2]...... . Each reference description ends with ".".
  • Punctuation marks in the references are written in English half-corner symbols, the font should be Times New Roman.
  • Each item in the reference should be complete.
  • Please write the full name of English journal and conference proceedings.
  • The format of specific types of references is as follows:

(1) Journal


[Number] Author, etc. Article name [J]. Journal name, Year, volume (issue): page number.

[1] Gao Jingde, Wang Xiangheng. Multi-loop theory of AC Motor [J]. Journal of Tsinghua University, 1987, 27(1): 1-8.


[Number] Author (year) Name of the article. Journal name, volume, page number.

[1] Malik, A.S., Boyko, O., Atkar, N. and Young, W.F. (2001) A Comparative Study of MR Imaging Profile of Titanium Pedicle Screws. Acta Radiologica, 42, 291-293.

(2) Books


 [Number] Author. Title [M]. Edition (No note in the first edition). Translator. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication: Page number.

 [1] Zhu Kezhen. Physics [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 1973:1-3.

 [2] Hovsky, Ed. Poultry Epidemiology: Part II [M]. 7th edition. Hu Xiangbi, et al. Trans. Beijing: Agriculture Press, 1981:7-9.

 [3] Cheng G W. Causes and mitigation measures of Yangtze River flood in 1998 [M]// Xu H Ze, Zhao Q Guo. Flood disaster and scientific and technological countermeasures in the Yangtze River Basin. Beijing: Science Press, 1999: 32-36.


Author (year of publication) Title. Edition (first edition not noted), publisher, place of publication.

[1] Wit, E. and McClure, J. (2004) Statistics for Microarrays: Design, Analysis, and Inference. 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 5-18.


(3) Proceedings


Jia Dongqin, Ke Ping. Research on Digital Service System of University Library for Mathematical Literacy [C]// China Library Society. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Library Society: 2011 vol. Beijing: National Library Press, 2011:45-52. (in Chinese)




[Number] Author. (year of publication) Name of the document. Editor, monograph title, edition. Publisher, place of publication, page number. (One editor followed by Ed.; Two or more editors, Ed. Plus s, as Eds.)


[1] Prasad, A.S. (1982) Clinical and Biochemical Spectrum of Zinc Deficiency in Human Subjects. In: Prasad, A.S., Ed., Clinical, Biochemical and Nutritional Aspects of Trace Elements, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 5-15.


(4) Dissertation




[Number] Author. Title [D]: [Master's or doctoral dissertation]. Place of preservation: unit of preservation, year.


[1] Zhang Zhusheng. Invariant sets of differential semi-dynamical systems [D]: [Ph. D. Dissertation]. Beijing: Department of Mathematics, Peking University, 1983.




[1] Giambastiani, B.M.S. (2007) Evoluzione Idrologica ed Idrogeologica della Pineta di San Vitale (Ravenna). Ph.D. Thesis, Bologna University, Bologna.


(6) Technical standard format








[serial number] The person responsible for drafting. Standard code. Standard serial number - year of issue. Standard name [S]. Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication.






[1] The Sixth Sub-Committee of the National Documentation Standardization Technical Committee. CB6447-S6 Abstract writing rules [S]. Beijing: Standard Press, 1986.




(7) Electronic literature




[Number] Author. Document title. Electronic document type identifier [EB/OL]. Carrier type identifier of document URL or source, update/citation date.


[1] Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China. Shale gas: opening up new prospects for energy exploration and development in China [EB/OL].


http://www.mlr.gov.cn/xwdt/jrxw/201201/t20120109_1056142.htm, 2012-01-09.




[Number] Author (login year) Name of the article. Url [Keep the hyperlink. If this line does not fit, take a forced break to the next line]


[1] Wikipedia (2013) Quantum Entanglement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_entanglement


5. Acknowledgement


After the conclusion, there should be a part of acknowledgments to express gratitude to the funders or supporters, those who provide guidance and assistance, and the owners of the materials, pictures, documents, research ideas and ideas that give the right to reproduce and cite.




6. Appendix


Content in the form of Appendix or attachment, such as the article, should be placed after the reference, with appropriate spacing between them. The appendix contains less content and is placed on the same page as the references; If more content appears, start another page. The font of the appendix is 12 pounds, Times New Roman, bold. The format of the appendix must be consistent with the main text.


7. Copyright


After the article has been submitted, please do not submit it to other journals. We will contact the author within one month and let us know whether the article is accepted or not. For disputes caused by copyright, plagiarism, plagiarism, etc., the author shall be solely responsible.


Electronic version of submitted article:


Articles must be in WORD format and submitted through the online submission system.


About Retraction:


The press attaches great importance to the standardization of academic activities and the integrity of the record of academic achievements, and tries to ensure that the historical record of academic papers is searchable and unchanged after publication. However, it is difficult to find individual irregularities or the author's unintentional mistakes in the manuscript, even after careful review by the editor. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to correct academic records. The decision to change the record is important, and the publisher will take different measures depending on the article, which can take the following forms:


1. Statement 


2. Revised (typographical errors or errors in content)


3. Withdrawal


4. Remove


These measures are intended to correct the article and remind readers, not to punish the author. Where there are intentional or unintentional irregularities in the published articles of the journal, the editor of the journal has the responsibility to supervise and review, and the review process should involve the author and the reviewer. The editor will follow the publisher's retraction guidelines and other accepted academic principles to determine the best way to deal with the problem.


If the measure is requested by the author, the author will not be required to pay additional costs for it. If the action taken (such as retraction) is not initiated by the author, or is taken unilaterally by the author before the two parties have reached an agreement, the publisher is not required to compensate the author for financial losses, and the page fee for the article is not refunded to the author.




  1. 该投稿还未被发表过,也没有被其他杂志接受(或者在评论中有一个解释已经提供给编辑).
  2. 投稿文件的文件格式可以是Microsoft Word.
  3. 该文本为单倍行距;字号大小为12点; 所有的插图, 图片,以及表格被放置在文本在适当的位置而不是在末尾.
  4. 该文本符合作者指南里文体和书目的要求,作者指南可以在关于期刊里找到.
  5. 如果稿件提交到一个同行评议的期刊, 确保已遵循 盲审的要求.