
A Study on Language Transfer from the Perspective of Translation

孙 英萍
内蒙古师范大学外国语学院 内蒙古呼和浩特 010000


Among the many branches of second language acquisition, language transfer is an active one since it analyzes the problems in language acquisition through comparing the different languages. From a common sense, language transfer can be see as an inter-language influence which refers to the influences of an old language to the new language learning. With the deeper study of language transfer, researchers have broken the limits of language structures and started to explore the conceptual influence between different languages, which has extended the study of language transfer both horizontally and vertically. This study adopts the translation material of the English major students in Inner Mongolia Normal University. Using the methods of questionnaires, thinking aloud and error analyzing, the paper tries to analyze the practical problems and obstacles in the English learning process. By overviewing theories and methods in the language transfer field, the paper combines the result of the study with the actual English learning issues. Ultimately, the paper tries to provide references and suggestions for the English teaching and learning.


Second Language Acquisition;LanguageTransfer; Conceptual Transfer Hypothesis; English Teaching




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