
An Analysis of the Theme of Sylvia Plath’s Daddy ——from Different Narrative Perspectives

王 欣
陕西师范大学外国语学院 710000


Sylvia Plath is one of the famous representative poets of American confessional poetry,she had been abandoned by two men in her whole live, one is her father,and the other is her husband. There are strong resentment and attack to these two men in her poems,therefore she was put up to be a pioneer of feminism by feminist,but she didn't admit to this identity. Among her literary achievement,her masterpiece Daddy is of profound historic and cultural significance. It tells the speaker’ complicated feelings towards “daddy”, which plays a multi-role in the poem. This paper analyzes the poetry’s theme according to different narrative perspectives---a daughter,a wife,and a female representative.


Sylvia Plath; Daddy; narrative perspectives




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