
On “Translationese” of Bing Xin’s Translation of The Prophet

YU Xi, Wu ha, Ch in


The Prophet was regarded as Gibran’s most representative work and Gibran regards this book as “the second birth of his life” for it well expresses his “only wish to strive for freedom in front of the sun.” The original work is very imaginative with deep philosophical insight and great imagination and clarity. The prophet had been translated into 56 languages since its first publication in 1923. Bing Xin firstly translated it into Chinese in 1931. In China, the status of Bing Xin’s version of The Prophet is of great importance, which has great research value. Throughout Bing Xin’s translation of The Prophet, in addition to her elegant and beautiful literary language, the phenomenon of “translationese” is also everywhere, producing the unique translation style of Bing Xin’ version. This paper will analyze the “translationese” in Bing Xin’s translation of The Prophet from word collocation and logical processing so that readers may consider “translationese” in a more objective way and have a better understanding of Bing Xin’s translation style of The Prophet.


translation; word collocation; logical processing; “translationese”; translation style




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