
A contrastive Genre Analysis on English Abstracts of Chinese and English Journals

宁 健杏
上海海事大学 上海市浦东新区 201306


This research attempts to compare and identify the move structure of the English abstracts in the field of logistics written by second-language and native authors. The move-step structure will be further outlined and compared, and the steps will be analyzed from a micro perspective for an exploration of their communicative functions. The typical IMRD pattern is not applicable to the abstracts in the selected journals. The results show that the move application in abstracts written by second-language authors are fixed in content but various in arrangement, while the moves in abstracts written by native authors are diversified including some necessary moves and optional moves, and all of them are arranged to serve for a communicative purpose. Besides, the author summarizes some strategies in writing abstracts: flexible adoption of moves; complete move structure; reasonable and logical steps.


abstracts; move-step; communicative purpose; strategies




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