
Research on the Cultivation Strategies of Students' autonomous English Learning Ability in international schools under the Network Teaching Environment

Yang Ying1, Ma Yiwen2
1、BeiJing Royal School
2、School of Foreing Languages,Northeast Normal University


At present,the wide application of network technology and information technology in the field of education has made great changes in teachers' teaching and learning. Based on the network teaching environment,students can get rid of the traditional teaching mode,with the help of network platform and network resources to learn knowledge. However,network teaching has strong autonomy,which requires students to have good independent learning ability,so as to effectively learn English knowledge and improve learning quality. In view of this,English teachers should rely on the concept of independent learning,analyze the problems existing in the cultivation of students' independent English learning ability in international schools under the network teaching environment,and then propose feasible countermeasures for reference.


network teaching environment;International schools;English;Learning ability


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jyyjuy.v5i9.124738


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