
Tranquility and Harmony - An Analysis of Pierre Boncompain 's Works

Wen Huawei, Qian Changchang
School of Fine Arts,Zhejiang Normal University


Pierre Boncompain is a famous contemporary French oil painter and painter of color pigments. His artistic works are highly personal and have a high reputation in the contemporary international art community. Pierre Boncompain 's works pursue a flat artistic effect,with agile brushstrokes,smooth and beautiful lines,exaggerated and condensed colors. The overall style of the work presents a comfortable atmosphere of life,bringing joy to people's physical and mental enjoyment. He is adept at using rich colors to express his inner emotions,and based on his own artistic experience and understanding of art,he artistically processes ordinary things in life to express his initial feelings and understanding of objects,making them spiritual sustenance of his heart.


Pierre Boncompain;Schema;Simplicity;Planarization


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jyyjuy.v5i10.137308


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