
Research on Design Management experience of Innovation and Entrepreneurship education in Guangxi local application-oriented undergraduate colleges

Liping Xiao
Woosong University


Innovation and entrepreneurship competition is an important means to promote innovation and innovation education. It is important for both the school and the students to design and manage the enthusiasm of the students. Through interviews with college students who have participated in competitions in these universities and won awards at or above the provincial level, based on the theoretical framework: pressure theory. This study is guided by three research questions :1) Why do participants participate in university innovation and entrepreneurship competitions? 2) How do participants describe their learning and preparation experiences during the competition? c) How do participants describe the impact and changes that innovative and creative education has had on them? The data of 16 students show that breaking rigid thinking, cultivating innovative ability, growing and persisting, and clarifying the direction of efforts are important results of the competition, which provides certain experience guidance for the design and management of innovation and entrepreneurship education in other colleges.


Innovation and entrepreneurship competition , Design Management


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jyyjuy.v5i11.137438


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